Earth ( Invasion trilogy #1) by Jessica Frances

This book was given to me for an honest review:
Two brothers from the planet Oden come to Earth to do some scouting before the people of their planet invade and take it over. Marduke is ready to call his father and cancel the invasion because he actually sees kindness and love in humans and thinks we can be taught to take better care of the planet. His brother on the other hand has moved up the invasion date and it has begun. There is black outs in communication all across the world as machines start shooting blasters at humans.
In the beginning Marduke is all holed up in this apartment while his brother goes out and does reconnaissance He gets sick of being inside all day and goes out to a park where he sees Mattie running. He finds her extremely beautiful and from then on starts going to the park more often trying to get a glimpse of her or see if he develops feelings as strong as he had for Mattie towards any other female. Instead he sees a lot of caring, kind, loving humans who are worth saving. Mattie is a girl from a different country going to college in Oregon. She has two close friends who mean the world to her. When the world goes black and the aliens start to attack Mattie joins her friends and other college students to fight these machines. Poorly and quickly trained Mattie, Lisa and Hank set off to head to Canada to see what is going on up there.
In this story we get to watch as Mattie and her friends try to survive and help stop the machines from taking over. They meet up with Marduke and we get to watch as they accept him and his struggle between wanting to be accepted and telling them the truth of who he is. We get to read about Mattie and Mardukes relationship and watch it grow as they learn to trust each other.
The book is told from both Mattie’s and Marduke’s point of view and I enjoyed it . It was nice seeing how they perceived everything and what they were thinking. The action parts were well written and made you want to keep turning the pages to see if the humans can take down the alien machines. I enjoyed reading about Mardukes and Mattie’s relationship. The story is about survival, forgiveness, acceptance, love, and relationships ( not just Mattie’s and Marduke’s but their friendship with the other characters).The ending was heartbreaking but left hope. I look forward to finishing this trilogy and seeing how the people of Earth retaliate and what happens with Mattie, Marduke and the other characters I was introduced to.
To me it seemed like a cross between the TV show Starcrossed and War of the Worlds. I enjoy both of those so this book was great.
This book contains some swearing and light sexual content.
Enjoyable, fun, action filled, sci/fi romance read.